Landlord Compensation Fund Program
Landlord Compensation Fund Program
Program at a Glance
The following information is from the Oregon Housing and Community Services’ (OHCS’s) website. The Landlord Compensation Fund is a landlord-based program where the landlord submits applications for funding to cover unpaid rent from tenants who submit a Declaration for Financial Hardship. The Declaration of Financial Hardship for Eviction Protection form is available on OHCS’s program webpage under required forms. It is also available through the Oregon Law Center which has the form and more information about the Eviction Moratorium on their website in multiple languages. A tenant cannot initiate this application. If you are a tenant in need and you can’t afford your rent or utility expenses, contact your local community action agency or call or text 2-1-1 for assistance.
Am I Eligible?
Owners of Residential Property in Oregon who have been unable to collect the full rent due from their current tenants since April 2020 due to declared financial hardships are eligible for this program.
OHCS will score each application based on:
- The number of rental units owned (more points for less units).
- The higher percentage of unpaid debt (debt to collection ratio).
How Much Assistance is Available?
The Oregon Legislature has provided $150 million in one-time funds for this voluntary program to assist landlords in keeping financially stressed tenants in their homes and to help mitigate the impact on both tenants and landlords of the untenable levels of debt accrued for some over the course of the pandemic.
Landlords whose applications are accepted will receive 80% of unpaid rent they are owed by current qualified tenants (from April 2020 on). They will be required to forgive the remaining 20% of unpaid rent.
Funding rounds are anticipated to be opened monthly until all resources are obligated.
How Can The Landlord Compensation Fund Help Me?
The Landlord Compensation Program is designed to provide relief to residential landlords who have been unable to collect tenant rent due to tenant financial hardships. You may be eligible to receive 80% of tenant unpaid rent from qualified tenants (from April 2020 on). However, you will be required to forgive the remaining 20% of unpaid rent.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
For all the program details and requirements, review the Landlord Compensation Fund Program Guidelines on OHCS’s website. If you have additional questions that are not covered in the FAQ or have feedback or concerns, please email [email protected]. To report potential Landlord Compensation Fund program fraud or concerns: [email protected].
Can Housing Works Help Me Apply or Answer My Questions?
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will have the most up-to-date information regarding the program. Applications for compensation must be submitted through OHCS’s online portal. Housing Works will be communicating with landlords and tenants once we receive approved applications from OHCS regarding who qualifies for compensation each month. We highly recommend that you review the information available on the program website. You can reach out to Housing Works by sending an email to [email protected] or calling 541-699-4474 and leaving a detailed message with your contact information and questions.