Apply for a Housing Choice Voucher

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The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Waiting List

The Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List is


If you applied to the 2025 HCV Waitlist and would like to check your ranking number, you may do so after February 1st by logging into your Rent Café account. To log into Rent Café, click here

For 2026, the annual waiting list will re-open from 8 AM PST on Monday, January 12th until 5 PM PST, Friday, January 16th, 2026. Late applications will not be accepted. The time you apply during the week does not impact your position as the waiting list is established through a lottery selection process.

Housing Works has a local residency preference. Applicants that reside in Crook, Deschutes or Jefferson Counties or whose household includes a family member who works, or has been notified that they are hired to work, in Crook, Deschutes or Jefferson Counties, will be served before those residing outside this area.

Additionally, single applicants who are elderly or disabled will be given a selection priority over all “other single” applicants. “Other singles” denotes a one-person household in which the individual member is not elderly or disabled. Such applicants will be placed on the waiting list in accordance with any other preferences to which they are entitled, but they cannot be selected for assistance before any one-person elderly or disabled family.

Household income may not exceed 50% of the annual median income. The following income limits apply:

Household Size

Deschutes County Crook County Jefferson County


$36,650 $29,250 $28,350


$41,900 $33,400


3 $47,100 $37,600



$52,350 $41,800


5 $56,550 $45,150


6 $60,750 $48,500


7 $64,950 $51,850


8 $69,100 $55,200


All applications will be purged from the annual waiting list on December 31st. If you are not selected by December 31st of the year that you apply, you must reapply the following year.

NOTE: There are no fees associated with applying to this list and any website requesting a fee in order to apply is not legitimate and not related to Housing Works.

To view the Housing Choice Voucher Fact Sheet directly from the HUD website, click HERE

Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers

Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers are allocated by the local VA office. To contact the VASH referral line for an eligibility determination please call 877-424-3838

Should you have further questions, please visit the FAQ section on this site.